Vintage Market

Find Unique Vintage & Thrift Sellers of Shirts, Dresses, Sports Gear, Sneakers, Collectibles, & More! Hosted Monthly by Pop-Up SJ.

BNM 2021 Logo

Join us Friday Evenings from April to October for Variety of Food Trucks, Artists, Vintage Sellers, Live Music, Craft Brews, and More! Located at the footsteps of the Berryessa BART Station inside the iconic San Jose Flea Market!

You're Welcome to Participate!

Interested in participating at the Berryessa Night Market?
Join as a vendor, artist, performer, food truck/trailer, or event partner!


Become a Vendor at our weekly Friday evening Berryessa Night Market! Applications open in March. Click to learn more.

food truck background

Food Trucks & Trailers

We’re always looking for new food truck concepts & cuisines to join our ranks! With over 25+ opportunities during our event season! Click to learn more.

Event Partners

Are you a Performer, Artist, or Event Organizer? We’d love to get to know you and see where your talents can be showcased in our events! Contact Us!